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Otis Bruce, Jr., President


Jessica Woodall-Massey, Director of Operations

Gary Burns


Judy Colton


Michael Gorton


Bob Marcucci


Rich Nave


Lori Saia Odisio


Anthony Pignati

Chad Stuart

Beth Walker

Marin Athletic Foundation (MAF) was founded in 1984 by individuals concerned about the decrease in funding for athletic programs in the Marin County high schools. The organization and the community members who volunteer their time and efforts toward the organization believe that athletics are a vital part of every high school experience and provide important educational and developmental outcomes for students. The organization believes that school districts need community support to keep athletic programs from being eliminated and to ensure that broad participation by all students in both interscholastic and intramural programs continue.


Learn more about the team that continues to push the Foundation forward, helping the Marin County community raise more than $1 million since its establishment.

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